For business

Transform your publishing and screen strategies with audience analytics

At Narrative Muse, we know how important storytelling is. Our Audience Analytics Suite is designed to take your publishing, writing, and screen projects to the next level by offering deep insights into audience behavior, preferences, and trends. Our approach means we’re also adept in capturing what underrepresented and underserved audiences want. 

Whether you're a publisher looking for market trends, an author wanting to connect better with your readers, or a screen professional aiming to understand what viewers want, our tools give you the information you need to make smart decisions.

Key features of our audience analytics suite

Reader Audience Analytics Suite for Publishers

  • Market opportunity trends: Keep up with reader trends using real-time market analysis.
  • Audience planning: Discover who the readers of a particular book are and how to reach them effectively.
  • Advanced metadata: Unlock sales potential of your catalog.
Publishers – reader and content data is here

Reader Audience Analytics Suite for Authors

  • Reader preferences: Learn what resonates with readers to create compelling stories.
  • Audience planning: Improve your marketing strategy based on real reader insights.
Authors – find your readers here

Audience Analytics Suite for Screen Professionals

  • Market opportunity analysis: Use forward-facing data to identify audience interests that align with your film or TV show's attributes.
  • Audience planning: Promote your content to suitable viewers by understanding their preferences and behavior.
  • Predictive analytics: Anticipate market shifts and trends to stay ahead in the competitive entertainment industry.
Screen Professionals – audience insights are available here

Why anticipating audience needs is the future of insights

What are content audiences looking for?

Do you want to create content that resonates with a specific audience? Our audience trends and insights platform bridges the gap between remarkable content and its potential audience. We use market opportunity analysis and audience planning to quantify what underserved audiences want and pinpoint the ideal audiences for each unique title.

At Narrative Muse, we are a two-sided company. Our recommendation engine pairs users' taste preferences with book, TV, and movie recommendations based on who they are and what they want, not just what's popular. We collect this audience preference data safely and anonymously to provide key insights to book, movie, and TV creators about what these audiences seek.

Learn what moves and motivates your audience – data beyond demographics

We understand that demographics only tell part of the story. That's why our insights go beyond demographics to help you know what satisfies and motivates your audience. Understand niche and non-mainstream audiences or discover hidden audiences. Use data to understand shared interests, affinities, tastes, and demand demographics. Audiences want new content and more of it. The demand for inclusive content is growing, and Narrative Muse will help you tap into this demand.

Publisher dataAuthor dataScreen Professional data

Safeguarding Privacy: Our Commitment to Information Security

We take information safety seriously.

We are committed to ongoing understanding of the issues to offer the safest possible product.

Our system keeps personal information separate from preference data, and both are stored on different, secure servers. This means user preferences are anonymous, and personal information is always protected.

It’s a physical layer of separation between personally identifiable information and points used to make recommendations and create non-personal insights for content creators.

Ready to transform your approach to audiences?

Discover the full potential of your publishing, writing, or screen projects with Narrative Muse. Contact us today to learn how our Audience Analytics Suite can provide the insights you need to succeed.

Contact us


What is Audience Intelligence?

Audience intelligence is the process of gathering and analyzing data about a specific target audience to gain insights into their characteristics, preferences, behaviours, and interests. It helps businesses better understand their audience, allowing them to tailor marketing strategies, content, and products to meet their needs. It empowers companies to connect with their audience deeper, enhance customer engagement, and identify new market opportunities, ultimately driving business growth.

What are your data sources?

Our insights come from the information our users choose to share with us about their preferences, the types of content they are seeking, and their reactions to recommended content, anonymized to protect individual user privacy.

Why does representation and belonging in entertainment matter?

Diversity, representation and belonging are important in entertainment because they can help promote understanding and empathy among different groups.When different perspectives and experiences are represented in entertainment, it can help to break down stereotypes and biases and create a more inclusive and equitable society.

How are we different?

We are creating the most significant consumer panel in the world for understanding and engaging with content audiences (and also in a compliant way).

How are you handling data?

We understand the importance of keeping user information safe.

We are committed to ongoing understanding of the issues so we can offer the safest possible product.

The support and leadership of team members from marginalized backgrounds is instrumental in our understanding of how collecting information about people’s preferences and identities could have unintentional consequences.

We operate a system that keeps personal information separate from preference data and both are stored on different, secure servers.

This is a physical layer of separation between personally identifiable information and points that are used to make recommendations and create non-personal insights for content creators

This means that user preferences are completely anonymous and user personal information is always protected.

Can’t find the answer to your question? Contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

About us

Narrative Muse is a Aotearoa New Zealand company using deep tech for good.

We are a content discovery and insights platform that collects forward-looking data to understand what diverse and under-served audiences want to read and watch.

This allows us to pair users’ taste with book, TV, and movie recommendations based on who they are and what they really want, not just what’s popular.

Then, using this hard-to-obtain anonymised data, we offer valuable insights to screen producers and publishers to express under-served market gaps.